
Top Tips to De-Stress and Declutter Your Home in the New Year

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It can be difficult to think ahead around the festive season when there is so much going on and so much to do, so we wanted to arm you in advance with our top tips for de-stressing and decluttering your home for the New Year. Let’s get started.

Plan Ahead
You can really be your future friend here to make the transition into the New Year run more smoothly for you and your family. Putting a few things in place now will ensure the only thing you have to worry about is your New Year resolutions! Start by getting rid of the things you don’t need now. Too many clothes in the wardrobe that don’t fit? Take them to the nearest charity shop, are the little ones getting existing toys upgraded for Christmas? Get rid of the old ones now to make room for the fun and games. Also consider a trip to the recycling centre now with any packaging or rubbish to make space in the bins for the seemingly endless stream of boxes and wrapping paper on Christmas Day.

Create a Calendar
Start the New Year as you mean to go on with a decluttering calendar. It won’t take long. Sit down and list all the rooms in your home and how often they need to be decluttered to allow you to stay on top of things and keep your home neat and tidy. When you have done that, stick to your list and keep on top of the decluttering in small bursts throughout the year before it gets on top of you.

Ditch the Sentiment
Possibly one of the hardest and stressful things around de-cluttering is the anxiety of throwing away something that is sentimental. While we don’t suggest getting rid of your most cherished photographs or your Great Grandpa’s war medals, you do have to allow yourself to let go of things that aren’t serving any purpose in your home. Remember the champagne cork you kept from New Year 2000? It’s time to keep the memories and the photographs but let the inanimate objects go. Look around your home and ask yourself, do you need it? Does it serve a purpose? Do you love it? Is it really sentimental?

We hope this blog has helped ease the stress and get ready to tackle the decluttering as we begin to move into 2023. If you need more specialised help around your home, our experts are happy to help. Just browse our range of services here.

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