
The Property Market is Crashing!

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Bold statement we know! It’s these kinds of statements that can be quite daunting to read but we are here to balance things out for you.

It doesn’t matter who you talk to, everyone has an opinion on the current ‘state’ of the property market, and in our opinion, it all depends on where you sit on the property ladder right now.

We came across this video on YouTube recently and whilst it may be over 10 minutes long, this was the inspiration behind sending you this newsletter.

Take a few minutes to watch and let us know what you think.

Latest Round Up of Property News
We are always keeping an close eye on the housing market. It can be difficult not to with all the publicity in the media at present. Each week we come across a number of property articles and for this month’s newsletter, we wanted to share some of these with you, courtesy of Property Reporter.

It’s not all doom and gloom out there!

>> Why property investment is a viable option for 2023
One of the main reasons is the market’s strong record of long-term capital growth and the reliability of rental demand. Read more here...

>> 5 reasons why 2023 might be the right time to invest in buy-to-let
Every year, those thinking about investing in property for the first time and even current landlords ask themselves whether it’s the right time to expand their portfolio if they can. Read more here...

>> Renters' Reform Bill likely to increase pressure on landlords
Whilst most responses to the proposed changes demonstrated concern, there are landlords that answered positively about the possible changes to the private rental sector. Read more here...

>> Over half of landlords looking to raise rents to lessen the impact of interest rate hikes
Landlords are experiencing significant financial pressures and often have to take this into account when considering rent increases. Read more here...

We hope you have found this article interesting and a bit different from the previous few months.

If you are looking for a team of trade experts with values that are aligned to your own, why not get in touch.

You also can book a job online or by calling us on 0330 912 2323.

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