
Changing Lives Drop by Drop: Our Partnership with Village Water

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At HandyExperts, our commitment extends beyond providing exceptional services around the home; we are also dedicated to making a tangible impact on global water issues. Through our ongoing partnership with Village Water, we have taken a significant step forward in supporting water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects in Zambia and Mozambique.

In 2023 alone, our collaboration has facilitated remarkable achievements in these countries. By donating £1 from every job completed, we have raised over £18,000, directly contributing to Village Water's efforts. Last year, this collaboration resulted in the installation of 20 new water points and the repair of 1,054 broken pumps. Our efforts reached 345,161 people across both countries, dramatically reducing waterborne diseases by 91% within the project areas.

Village Water's strategy, the 'District Wide Plan', works in conjunction with local partners like ECHO in Zambia and WATSAN in Mozambique. This comprehensive approach ensures that no community is left without access to safe water, decent toilets, and good hygiene. Notably, the initiative also focuses on empowering women and girls, who are traditionally tasked with collecting water, thus freeing them to pursue educational and economic opportunities instead.

Our support extends to constructing solar-powered water systems, building permanent toilet blocks with handwashing stations, and investing in community training to ensure sustainability. These projects are not just about providing immediate aid; they are about building infrastructure that communities can maintain and manage independently, ensuring lasting benefits.

HandyExperts is proud to support Village Water in their mission to improve health and opportunities through sustainable water solutions.

By integrating our business success with our social responsibility, we help ensure that the impact of each customer's choice goes beyond just a job well done—it sparks a wave of positive change across communities. To read more about our charity support, click here.

Image Credit: Village Water

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